Make Quick & Easy Payments
We know life gets hectic sometimes, and when you have a loan somewhere other than your primary financial institution, it can be challenging to find time to make it to a member center, or to write a check and get it in the mail on time. LoanPay Xpress is a quick and easy way to make loan payments from the convenience of your home, or on a smartphone while on the go. You can even use a credit or debit card to make a loan payment.*
Please note: You cannot make a payment to your Honor credit card through LoanPay Xpress at this time.
How To Setup LoanPay XPress
If You Primarily Bank Elsewhere
- You will need your Honor account number and loan suffix. Both can be found on your monthly statement.
- You will need to know the routing number and account information from the financial institution the payment is coming from.
- You can use a debit or credit card to make a loan payment.*
- Learn how Honor members with a checking account enjoy simple automatic transfers to make their loan payments.
If You Bank With Honor
That’s great to hear! If you have direct deposit to your Honor checking account, we recommend you set up automatic monthly transfers through Online Banking to make your loan payments.
*A $15 convenience fee applies to payments made with a credit or debit card.
Benefits of LoanPay Xpress
- No need to write a check and send it in the mail
- Avoid the hassle of moving money from place to place to pay a bill
- Make your payments anytime at your convenience
- Set up LoanPay Xpress to withdraw funds directly from your primary financial institution