of Deposit

Savings You Can Count On

A Certificate of Deposit (CD) is a popular and easy high yield savings method you can take advantage of to save some money for the future and earn interest along the way. We’ve made it easy for you to reach your savings goals, so all you have to do is decide how much and for how long, and we’ll do the rest!

Open Certificates With
As Little As $50.00

Flexible Terms Ranging
From 3 to 60 Months

Guaranteed Rate
For Entire Term

Insured Up To
$250,000 By NCUA


5.12% APY*

13-Month Term

(requires new money or active checking)*

4.72% APY*

13-Month Term



*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of 09/01/23. To receive the above stated 13-month term at 5.12% APY, 13-month CD must be opened with a minimum balance of $5,000 and be funded solely in new money (funds currently held at another financial institution) or have an “active” checking account (averages 8+ deposits or withdrawals per month in/out of Honor checking account). Unless “active” checking is present, existing funds at Honor CU cannot be combined with new money. To receive the above stated 13-month term at 4.72% APY, 13-month CD must be opened with a minimum balance of $5,000. Early withdrawal penalty is 120 days of interest for both promotional terms. Neither CD special is eligible for rate protector benefit, a one-time rate bump over the course of the term. Both 13-month CD terms will renew at standard 12-month term upon maturity. Limited time offer. Rates subject to change without notice. Insured by NCUA.

What Is a Certificate of Deposit?

What Is a CD?

  • A secure deposit. Deposited money must stay in the credit union for a specified length of time to earn a promised return.
  • Flexible. You can pick the term to fit your needs, whether it’s three months or as long as 60 months.
  • Versatile. A certificate of deposit can be used to save for a future goal, like a home project, vacation, college tuition, and much more!
  • Insured. The National Credit Union Association (NCUA) insures CDs up to $250,000.

What Are The Advantages?

  • Open a CD with as little as $50!
  • Interest rates vary depending on the term and the amount deposited. 
  • Rates are locked in for the length of the term of the certificate.
  • Most CDs earn higher interest rates than regular savings accounts and money market accounts.
  • The simple process of opening a certificate of deposit means you don’t have to constantly monitor or take action on it.

CD Rates

We offer competitive rates on certificates of deposit because we want you to get the most out of the money you’re depositing with us!

Share, Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, HSA,^ Coverdell Education & Jumbo Certificate Rates

Minimum opening deposit for Jumbo CDs is $100,000.00. Minimum opening deposit for all other CDs is $50.00 unless otherwise noted below.

Term Interest Rate APY*
3 months1 0.499% 0.50%
6 months1 1.243% 1.25%
9 months1 1.243% 1.25%
12 months1 1.490% 1.50%
13 month special offer4 5.004% 5.120%
13 month special offer5 4.621% 4.720%
18 months1 1.490% 1.50%
24 months1 1.588% 1.60%
30 months1 1.588% 1.60%
36 months1 1.933% 1.95%
48 months1 2.031% 2.05%
60 months1 2.129% 2.15%
12 month Add-On2^ 1.490% 1.50%
Jumbo 12 months3 1.736% 1.75%
Jumbo 24 months3 1.834% 1.85%
Jumbo 36 months3 2.178% 2.20%
Jumbo 48 months3 2.276% 2.30%
Jumbo 60 months3 2.374% 2.40%
Rates accurate as of Feb 23, 2025
All youth under the age of 18 will receive an additional 0.25% APY to the stated rates unless otherwise noted. A penalty fee may be imposed if you withdrawal funds prior to the maturity date. Insured by NCUA. *APY= Annual Percentage Yield. 1Rate Protector allows a one time rate adjustment for 3-36 month term CDs and a two time rate adjustment for 37-60 month term CDs with no penalties or fees. 2^12 month add-on not eligible for additional 0.25% APY youth rate bump or rate protector adjustment. 12-month add-on CD not eligible for IRA CD's. HSA CD only available on the 12-month add-on CD rate and term. Contact a member service representative to open an HSA CD. 3Jumbo CD not available for Coverdell Education Savings Accounts. 4To receive the above stated 13-month term at 5.12% APY, 13-month CD must be opened with a minimum balance of $5,000 and be funded solely in new money (funds currently held at another financial institution), or have an “active” checking account (averages 8+ deposits or withdrawals per month in/out of Honor checking account). Unless “active” checking is present, existing funds at Honor CU cannot be combined with new money. 5To receive the above stated 13-month term at 4.72% APY, 13-month CD must be opened with a minimum balance of $5,000. Early withdrawal penalty is 120 days of interest for both promotional terms. Neither CD special is eligible for rate protector benefit, a one-time rate bump over the course of the term. Both 13-month CD terms will renew at standard 12-month term upon maturity. Limited time offer. Rates subject to change without notice. Insured by NCUA.

CD Interest Calculator

Click the button below to use calculator to help you determine how much interest you could earn with each certificate of deposit and which one would best help you reach your savings goal.

Protect Your Rate

Are you concerned about committing to one of our current rates? With Rate Protector, you can choose one time during the term of your certificate of deposit to bump your rate, if interest rates go up! 

Certificate of Deposit FAQs

Here at Honor Credit Union, you can open a certificate of deposit with as little as $50.

Each person has different goals for their money, and different ideas of how they would like their money to work for them. We would love for you to visit an Honor member center, or give us a call to go over all of our CD options and what might work best for you.

Annual Percentage Yield (APY) expresses an annual rate of return taking into account the effect of compounding.

Simply put, the higher the APY, the faster your balance grows. If you have two similar interest rates, the more frequently interest is compounded, the higher the APY will be. Those higher APYs can mean more savings for you.

An interest rate is the rate at which a financial institution agrees to pay you back for holding your money.

Other High Yield Savings Options

Money Markets

With a money market account, you earn a high rate of interest, and have the flexibility to withdrawal and deposit money as you see fit!

Benefits Checking

With our free Benefits Checking account you earn 3.00% APY* on your average daily balance, and receive ATM fee reimbursements.

Honor Investment Services

If you’re planning for retirement, for college, or a large future event, our team at Honor Investment Services can help set you up for success!

Tips To Help You Save Money

image with a red background and white text promoting a blog about money market accounts

What Is a Money Market Account?

Money markets typically offer better rates than savings accounts, are great for short and long-term savers, and give you the flexibility of unlimited deposits and withdrawals.

Zero Down Payment Offer

To make the process as simple as possible with our Zero Down Payment mortgage offer, we encourage you to speak with a mortgage expert so they can explain the requirements and guide you through the process!

Find An Expert Near You

Need Help? Contact us at 800.442.2800 and we will help you get started with the application process.